Public Function modify_eco_item(ByVal eco_mod_role_objid As Long, _
ByVal focus_type As Long, _
ByVal active As Long, _
ByVal eco_hdr_code As String, _
ByVal applies_to_mod As Long, _
ByVal results_in_mod As Long)
This API modifies an existing labor or material detail.
Parameter Name Required? Description
eco_mod_role_objid Yes The objid of the ECO item object to be modified.
focus_type Yes This points the ECO item to 5148 for ECO headers, or 329 for Mod levels.
This can also be -1 to ignore any change to this item.
active Yes Sate of the ECO item, 1 for active, 0 for inactive.
This can also be -1 to ignore any change to this item.
eco_hdr_code No ECO Code of the ECO Header this item will be switched to, or an
empty string for no change.
applies_to_mod No Objid of part and revision affected by the ECO, or
0 for no change.
results_in_mod No Objid of resulting part and revision following implementation of the ECO, or
0 for no change.
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Invalid Role Name Specified
-2 Invalid Value for Active Indicator
-3 Specified ECO Mod Role is not in database
-4 Specified ECO Header is not in database
-5 Specified Applies-To Mod Level is not in database
-6 Specified Results-In Mod Level is not in database
-7 Specified Role Name and Apply-to Mod Level already exists in database
· Modify ECO item 268435460, to result in part 268435465.
var ret_int = fcdr.modify_eco_item(268435460, -1, -1, "", 0, 268435465);
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fcdr. modify_eco_item(268435460, -1, -1, "", 0, 268435465)